820 Exchange

Haltom City, TX

Ground breaking Asset Value Transformation of this 67-acre parcel, initially deemed unsuitable for commercial use, became a success story through strategic optimization. The visionary partnership between Vaulter and Creation RE+PE and a Multi-Billion Dollar Private Equity Fund recognized the potential of the Haltom City industrial submarket as a booming logistics sector with direct freeway access. The swift two-year conversion from commercial land to a fully built-out and leased up industrial complex culminated in a record-setting sale. The project's exceptional performance established a new benchmark for real estate transactions in the highly competitive Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) market. This success narrative highlights the power of Vaulter's strategic partnerships, insightful land use decisions, and timely adaptation to market demands.


    • 67 Acres

    • 4 Buildings totaling nearly 1M square feet

    • Creation RE + PE

    • Multi-billion Dollar Private Equity Fund

    • Logistics Companies

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