San Tan Heights

San Tan Valley, AZ

Vaulter identified value dislocation during a time of market volatility and acquired two parcels within the San Tan Heights MPC totaling 324 lots over 85-Acres from a major homebuilder. In joint venture partnership with a Family Office and High Net Worth individuals, Vaulter led efforts to add value through reentitlement and engineering resulting in a shovel-ready project. Vaulter also secured additional value by structuring a Joint Development and Utility Cost Share Agreement with the adjacent landowners to pare down costs. From an undervalued land investment to shovel-ready project, San Tan Heights ultimately sold to North America's largest private builder for a high watermark value, and showcases Vaulter's brand promise of asset value transformation through creative deal structure, collaborative partnerships and vision manifestation.


    • 324 Lots

    • Family Office

    • High Net Worth Individuals

    • JDA Utility Cost Share with adjacent owners

    • Largest Private Homebuilder in North America

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